Monday, November 24, 2014

Welcome, Rebel Readers!

The Great Escape Book Reading Challenge 
is now underway!

In order to participate in the book reading challenge you must complete at least the 3 books to qualify for the first level. If you want to reach the second level, you will need to read 9 books. To reach the highest level, and be able to participate in The Great Escape, you will read 20 books. 

To get credit for completing these books, you will also need to complete some form of sharing about each book (please read the information on the "Sharing" page). 

Level 1: Read 3 books from 3 different categories. Write 3 book reviews and make 1 book trailer. Earn 10 behavior points.

Level 2: Read 1 book from each category (9 total), review each one and make 2 book trailers. Earn 15 behavior points and your choice of a brand new, popular titled, book.

Level 3: Read the required number of books as listed next to each category plus 7 books of your choice. Create a book review for each book and 3 book trailers. Earn 15 behavior points, your choice if a brand new, awesome book, AND get to participate in a full school day Great Escape experience.

Below are the categories and required number of books to read in each category.

Be Nice-1(You will need to read one book listed on the page)
Historical Fiction-2
Realistic Fiction-2
Poetry/Verse Novel-1
Maine Student Book Award--3 (counts as a category book too, 2 for 1!)
Free Choice-7 (you will need to label the correct genre on your review)


Great Escape Spreadsheet